What is Agile?

Before seeking a deeper insight into what we call “Agile” methodology, we need to think of it as a mindset instead of just a methodology. It’s not only a group of practice, tools or skill sets, but an attitude toward the way we approach a work. Agile teaches people how to quickly adapt to a changing environment while delivering the highest business value. 

What is Agile Methodology?

The agile methodology is an approach to managing a project that involves constant collaboration and continuous improvement at every stage. Once the work begins, teams cycle through a process of planning, executing, and evaluating. Continuous collaboration is vital, both with team members and project stakeholders. The methodology focuses on how to satisfy the users instead of emphasizing documentation and rigid procedures.

In projects using agile methodology, tasks are broken into short sprints that take about 1 to 4 weeks to complete. It’s an iterative model that involves multiple tests as the development progresses. The development team continuously seeks feedback from customers and makes changes to the software. 

Agile is now one of the most popular approaches to project management due to its flexibility, adaptability to change, and high level of customer input. Businesses nowadays leverage the methodology to work faster and create a product by parts rather than an entire software. 

"Agility is catching fire," according to management consulting firm McKinsey & Company, as organizations recognize the worth of the Agile methodology in a modern age of work. The 21st century's rapid technological advances have taken over the entire working world, influencing every industry. The potential benefits of an Agile solution were first addressed by software development teams, who used it to accelerate projects and shorten the time between product releases. Other businesses are now turning to Agile to speed up their processes and keep up with the rapidly changing future of work. According to a recent survey of professionals in 19 countries conducted by Organize Agile, approximately half of all organizations have been using the Agile methodology for three years or longer.

What are Agile Benefits?

For Customer

Agile team keep customers informed and appreciate their opinions and feedback by involving them in the development process. Stakeholders want to be involved throughout the project life cycle so that they can provide feedback and ensure that the final product meets their needs. These customized deliverables will most likely improve the overall user experience and increase customer retention.

For Product Quality

Agile methodologies employ an iterative approach to project management, which means that processes are improved with each repetition of an interval. This consistent focus on improvement and quality control is one of Agile's core principles, and it contributes to the creation of superior products.

For Risks Reduction

Developers regularly assess progress during sprints, giving them better visibility into the project and the ability to identify potential issues quickly. These minor issues can be addressed before they escalate, resulting in an effective risk mitigation process and a higher chance of project success.

For Communication

Face-to-face communication and continuous interaction are prioritized by agile teams. They will typically hold daily meetings to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working toward the same goals. They eliminate potential confusion by communicating with one another on a regular basis, allowing them to successfully achieve their goals. The Agile methodology clearly provides numerous benefits to teams in software development and other industries.=


About the author
Loan Nguyen
I'm dedicated to reading and writing: read to enrich knowledge and write to help readers understand knowledge in my own words.


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